Marisa Atleb

Marisa Atleb
One of the most valuable things I learned from my mentor, Sir Davin, at the programme was that it’s never too late to start managing finances. What matters most is to save consistently.
What I love about the Enrich programme is that financial planning can be fun! I learned to manage my finances, save money, and invest in a way that I enjoy. I’m very proud to have created a LOVE ME fund in my budget, which I use to pamper myself and enjoy the things that are meaningful to my life. This helps me to avoid feeling deprived and stay motivated to stick to my financial goals.
Never have I thought I would set aside savings to invest. Through the programme, I learned about investment, identified my risk appetite, and found investment products that are suitable for my needs. I also learned not to invest in something that I don’t understand and the art of diversification to reduce investment risk. Most importantly, I learned about dollar cost averaging, which helps me invest consistently over time without trying to predict the market.
Thank you, Enrich! I now feel more confident and in control of my finances! I feel better equipped when I finally retire and have the right insurance products to protect my downside risks.