Lucinda相信通過增加獲得教育和發展機會賦予女人自主能力。她熱衷於幫助Enrich教育和培訓外籍家庭傭工具備理財和生活技能,以實現其目標和夢想。Lucinda 在香港長大,致力於使這城市更具包容性。作為執行董事,Lucinda負責監督和製定計劃,運營,人力資源,籌款和溝通策略。她還帶領建立高層合作夥伴和外部利益相關者的關係,從而幫助提高Enrich在香港的知名度。在此之前,她是Enrich的副執行董事和高級計劃經理,負責財務和教育計劃的實施。Lucinda在Enrich的第一職位是義工和講習班培訓師。她擁有教育管理碩士學位(優等),並擁有與香港婦女和少數民族的教育,研究和社區聯繫的背景。她在哈佛商學院取得非營利機構管理策略項目的高層管理教育證書。
Our People
Catherine joined Enrich in early 2022. In 2019 she moved from the UK, where she had built a career as a lawyer specialised in advising charities and other non-profits. It has been her career goal to provide clear and practical guidance to NGOs to ensure they operate compliantly, efficiently and ethically. Alongside that she has long had a personal interest in labour rights and is passionate that all people deserve dignified work, including the dignity of being able to financially support and empower themselves and their dependents. Since moving to Hong Kong she has served voluntarily with various NGOs that support vulnerable workers and is thankful to now join in with the impressive work that Enrich does to uplift and equip the amazing community of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong. In her free time Catherine enjoys spending time with her family and her church, and hiking and eating her way around Hong Kong. She also serves on the Board of Adoptive Families of Hong Kong.
Born and raised in Tondo, Philippines, Shine has seen firsthand the different faces of poverty and how fighting it cannot be simply solved with money. Fueled by her passion to help uplift lives in underserved and economically disadvantaged communities, her different roles in various social enterprises in the Philippines allowed her to take part in more sustainable solutions to address the country’s social issues.
Shine joins Enrich to actively engage and involve its community members so they can become captains of their own development.
Gwen 是一位來自菲律賓的註冊會計師,最初在香港一家全球服裝製造商擔任管理會計師。後來她移居倫敦,擔任辦公室經理。雖然Enrich是她第一次為直接非營利組織工作。她能夠利用她在英國和香港教會管理賬目的經驗。一有業餘時間,她會追求她對食物的熱情 – 無論在家做飯或與朋友外出吃飯,她總是設法在菜單上找到最美味的食物。
Fred is grateful for his engagement with Enrich whereby he can apply his experiences to serve a social good. In addition to a decade in investment banking, Fred co-founded an investment fund. He served as Co-chair - Governance Committee and Board Treasurer of NGOs, including one that provides training for immigrants and refugees. He is also experienced in developing and facilitating a wide range of custom-built education programs for adults.
He is an alumnus of Ivey Business School and Pearson United World College. His personal interests include environmental issues (food and plastic waste), cooking, jazz, hiking and tennis.
Maya is a native Indonesian speaker who has lived in Hong Kong over 20 years. Through her corporate background in sales, market research, event management, and community marketing, Maya has honed her skills in understanding people's needs and creating meaningful connections, and is now helping build the Enrich community.
Previously, Maya dedicated part time work to helping Indonesian migrant workers transition smoothly into their life in Hong Kong, by providing trainings on Hong Kong culture and necessary skills. She shared her knowledge of life in Hong Kong, nurturing the confidence and skills to succeed in their new environment – and is passionate about helping migrant workers from all countries enjoy rewarding experiences while living here.
Maya also enjoys baking and sewing, creating personalized pieces. During many weekends, she explores the natural wonders of Hong Kong through hiking.
Ira spent many years working part-time while also raising her family. When her two sons left for college, she wanted to work full-time, with a purpose to help and make a change in others. Active in her local church with her family, she has close relationships with the Indonesian domestic workers who are church members, and understands the challenges they face. When she heard about Enrich, she was excited to get involved, and she joined the Programmes Team in November 2020. As a native Bahasa Indonesia speaker, Ira is responsible for supporting the education programme, focusing on Indonesian domestic workers. Ira has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Houston, Texas. She enjoys the outdoors and loves Hong Kong's beautiful nature.
Eeyan於2016年9月加入Enrich擔任培訓師,並於2018年以外展助理加入運營團隊。她曾是非政府組織Plan International的成員,致力於促進兒童和平等權利。她還曾在China Banking Corporation的運營部工作。此外,Eeyan是一位兼職音樂老師。她對教學充滿熱情,並希望對她遇到的人們的生活產生正面的影響。
Having lived in Hong Kong for over 15 years, Sherly returned to Enrich in November 2022 as a Senior Programme Assistant. Sherly is passionate about promoting the rights of migrant domestic helpers and helping to support them to achieve their dreams. She has previously volunteered for a number of charities that aimed to provide opportunity for disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong and Indonesia. Sherly has also trained and worked as a Montessori teaching assistant. As a native Bahasa Indonesia speaker, Sherly is a key point of contact for all migrant domestic workers' enquiries.
For almost two decades, Iris has spent her time with a non-profit research and training institute in the Philippines. She engaged with local communities, including indigenous peoples and youth in Asia and the Pacific for social and environmental change.
Through Enrich, Iris hopes to bring her life lessons and experiences to help empower the migrant domestic workers community in Hong Kong.
Asel joined Enrich from the corporate sector, where she worked in various roles, gaining experience in corporate finance, project management, and strategic communications, including managing internal communications for the finance department. She believes in the transformative power of financial literacy and empowerment, and is eager to leverage her expertise to contribute meaningfully to Enrich's mission.
Asel holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from The University of Hong Kong. Her professional interests extend to sustainability, public policy, and human rights, and she actively seeks to expand her knowledge in these areas to drive holistic and impactful change. In her pursuit of continuous learning, she also enjoys learning new languages.
Enthusiastic about joining Enrich, Asel looks forward to working with the team to support and empower migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong.
Megan透過在Kickstarter 眾籌The Helper紀錄片中認識Enrich。受任務啟發和團隊印象深刻,她加入董事會,為技術和策略提供建議。
Willem has over 18 years of client coverage experience in the financial industry, advising private and commercial clients on corporate finance, merger and acquisitions, and private equity transactions. He has in-depth experience working across cultures, having lived in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America.
Shortly after arriving in Hong Kong in 2020 with his family, Willem was keen to support Enrich after learning about its inspiring mission through a fellow mentor. Willem worked on several research papers for Enrich, including Financial Digital Literacy. Since 2021, he has been part of the Enrich's Financial Mentoring Program, and in 2022, he joined as a member of the Fundraising Committee.
Grace has 14 years’ experience in financial services with a focus on marketing, customer experience, customer insight and proposition design across the UK, Kazakhstan and Hong Kong. Having qualified as a teacher on the Teach First Programme in the UK and worked in a challenging urban school in London, she’s passionate about the positive role that education can have in transforming lives. Grace discovered Enrich after meeting one of the programme mentors when she first moved to Hong Kong in 2017 and looking for meaningful volunteering opportunities and has served on the Fundraising Committee since its inception. She joined the Enrich Board in 2023 and is also a Vice-Chair of the MarComms Committee of the British Chamber in Hong Kong.
Pat是The Purpose Business的創始人和董事,一個可幫助亞洲企業成為強大的正義力量的可持續發展專家網絡。她曾擔任AyalaLand企業社會責任負責人和香格里拉酒店及度假村企業社會責任和可持續發展全球負責人。Pat是世界青年領袖—全球青年領袖,亞洲協會和皇家文藝學會的會員,與多間公司合作來建立有目的的領導行為,負責任的企業和整體通過可持續的計劃創造正面影響和價值。
Carmen Lam is a branding, marketing and customer experience management specialist who helps companies achieve superior performance and growth by leveraging their unfair advantages. She is experienced in working across cultures, aligning customer experience with brand values, driving revenues, marketing resource management, and building platforms for branding, marketing, and strategic development with a customer first focus. As a working mother of two who was expatriated several times over the course of her career, Carmen feels for the sacrifices and aspirations of migrant workers and appreciates the contribution they make for their employers and their host economies. She was keen to support Enrich after learning about its mission at an NGO event.
Dedy is a house-husband who loves cooking, writing and reading books. In Indonesia, he worked for community empowerment and humanitarian programs. Before coming to Hong Kong, he worked to provide assistance for the economic development of women's groups in several villages in South Sorong, West Papua. In Hong Kong, he volunteers for HELP For Domestic Workers. He also became a trainer at ENRICH and together with Indonesian migrant domestic workers brought back the VOM (Voice of Migrants) of Hong Kong. Together with friends from Indonesian Catholic Community in Hong Kong, Dedy is actively involved in establishing Peduli Kasih (Indonesia Care & Charity) while conducting research on: "The gaze of 'Pengajia' as a (social) movement: a study of production of surplus value, assembly and (gender) sexuation among Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong. "
Somporn Bevan(Ping)女士來自泰國曼谷。在過去的28年中,她在三大洲經歷了各種不同的國家和文化,在航運,航空和教育領域的藍籌跨國公司工作。Ping於1991年畢業於曼谷的法政大學,獲得已故泰國國王的榮譽學士學位。然後,她在英國科爾切斯特學院從事信息和技術研究,並獲得了高級IT從從業文憑,以優秀成績畢業。Ping是一位合格的老師,符合所有英國的教學標準,並且持有英國桑德蘭大學的教育學研究生證書(PGCE)。她正在香港大學修讀國際化數學教學碩士學位。Ping於2017年7月被香港政府民政事務總署任命為促進種族和諧委員會的非官方成員。她還是香港公證人紀律審裁團的成員。
Raul Benjamin曾在香港和菲律賓的多家跨國公司,政府和教會組織中從事財務,行政,運營,培訓,語言解釋,銷售和市場營銷等領域的工作。他擁有商務管理碩士學位,並會說英語,他加祿語和宿霧語。他是一位企業家,出版作家,觀鳥者和攝影師。自Enrich成立於2007年以來,Raul一直在促進Enrich的金融知識和業務發展培訓。
Surj Bahra是一位國際認證的教練和形象顧問,熱衷於通過個人發展為婦女賦權。她對領導力和正念有著深刻的了解,在倫敦和香港的公司工作超過20年。她認為人生成功與能量管理之間有著緊密的聯繫。她在教練和培訓計劃中運用全面的思想,身體和靈魂方法,努力在每個參與者中發揮出最好的水平。
Jonathan Wong在快節奏的行業中擁有廣泛的國際業務經驗,包括在跨國媒體公司中在運營,財務,業務發展以及PR&Marketing領域超過20年的經驗。Jonathan目前是香港中文大學創業中心的項目總監,和香港理工大學的客座講師。他為各種公司和機構進行管理培訓計劃,並為社會企業和新興企業提供指導和業務顧問。
Eeyan於2016年9月加入Enrich擔任培訓師,並於2018年以外展助理加入運營團隊。她曾是非政府組織Plan International的成員,致力於促進兒童和平等權利。她還曾在China Banking Corporation的運營部工作。此外,Eeyan是一位兼職音樂老師。她對教學充滿熱情,並希望對她遇到的人們的生活產生正面的影響。
Medya熱衷於分享她的經驗並致力於外籍家庭傭工賦權。參與了將近20年和身為印尼非政府組織Dompet Dhuafa的董事會成員的她已經與香港的印尼社區建立了牢固的聯繫。她最近2019年印尼海外選舉委員會中的職務也讓她能夠與領事館保持密切聯繫。在移居香港之前,她畢業於印度尼西亞大學,獲得會計學學位和在多間跨國企業中工作過。她致力於通過Enrich來提高香港外籍家庭傭工的財務知識。
Born and raised in the Philippines, Zoe Peña is a marketing executive and entrepreneur who has called Hong Kong home for over a decade.
Her career includes leadership roles in luxury, art, media, and fashion. From launching a documentary series for a Grammy-winning rapper to consulting in one of the first digital art collection management platforms launched in Asia, Zoe has a distinct track record of creating and building global brands through her unique perspective. She is a champion of creating more intersectional opportunities between community and commerce. Her passions in Filipino contemporary art and community are widely documented.
Zoe is also a published writer and serves as President of the American Women’s Association HK and as a board member of the AWA Foundation.
Willem has over 18 years of client coverage experience in the financial industry, advising private and commercial clients on corporate finance, merger and acquisitions, and private equity transactions. He has in-depth experience working across cultures, having lived in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America.
Shortly after arriving in Hong Kong in 2020 with his family, Willem was keen to support Enrich after learning about its inspiring mission through a fellow mentor. Willem worked on several research papers for Enrich, including Financial Digital Literacy. Since 2021, he has been part of the Enrich's Financial Mentoring Program, and in 2022, he joined as a member of the Fundraising Committee.
Grace has 14 years’ experience in financial services with a focus on marketing, customer experience, customer insight and proposition design across the UK, Kazakhstan and Hong Kong. Having qualified as a teacher on the Teach First Programme in the UK and worked in a challenging urban school in London, she’s passionate about the positive role that education can have in transforming lives. Grace discovered Enrich after meeting one of the programme mentors when she first moved to Hong Kong in 2017 and looking for meaningful volunteering opportunities and has served on the Fundraising Committee since its inception. She joined the Enrich Board in 2023 and is also a Vice-Chair of the MarComms Committee of the British Chamber in Hong Kong.
Carmen Lam is a branding, marketing and customer experience management specialist who helps companies achieve superior performance and growth by leveraging their unfair advantages. She is experienced in working across cultures, aligning customer experience with brand values, driving revenues, marketing resource management, and building platforms for branding, marketing, and strategic development with a customer first focus. As a working mother of two who was expatriated several times over the course of her career, Carmen feels for the sacrifices and aspirations of migrant workers and appreciates the contribution they make for their employers and their host economies. She was keen to support Enrich after learning about its mission at an NGO event.
Carmen is a registered social worker in the United States, Canada, and Hong Kong, with extensive experience in migration, asylum seekers, refugees, and ethnic minorities in humanitarian services. She has been in the field of social services for 18 years and has dedicated more than a decade to providing social services to a diverse population, particularly vulnerable children and migrant mothers in Hong Kong. Carmen has served as a Social Counselor for refugee families at UNHCR, a Service Development Officer at Caritas, Deputy CEO at PathFinders, and a part-time lecturer at the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently, she is the Assistant Director for Case Management at The Mother's Choice.
Kilian是瑞銀全球財富管理的客戶顧問,在香港金融服務行業擁有超過10年的經驗。在辦公時間以外,他會拉大提琴並在樂團演出。他最近成立了非營利機構Aura Music,致力於通過音樂欣賞來促進年輕人的多學科教育。
Kilian是通過OSC/UBS/CUHK NGO Leadership Programme認識Enrich,並受其使命的啟發,於2020年加入計劃委員會。他非常感謝過去幾十年外傭對香港的貢獻,尤其是那些在他成長過程中幫助家人的外傭。
Tim Wiseman is a partner at DHR Global, an international talent management consulting and recruiting firm. With more than 25 years of experience, he specialises in identifying and developing the potential of individuals, teams, and organisations. Over the course of his career, he has worked in 30 countries across six continents, consulting with people and organisations from diverse geographies and industries, including Fortune 500 companies, family-owned businesses, and non-profit organisations. While living in Hong Kong, he was humbled by the lives of the domestic worker community and is grateful to join the Enrich team. One of his favorite motivating quotes, by Maya Angelou, is: "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."
Lucy P. Jordan擁有華盛頓大學社會福利博士學位,在移民研究,非營利部門能力建設和發展方面擁有研究專業知識。她目前是香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系的副教授和香港大學社會科學學院的副院長。
Rodelia is a migrant domestic worker living in Hong Kong for 19 years. Originally from Antique, Philippines, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Rodelia started serving the community at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish as a Sunday School Teacher and Help Desk committee member. For her, there is no limit in service as long as you are happy.
In 2017, she founded an online Facebook Page named Domestic Workers Corner where she and fellow group administrators help migrant domestic workers in need and refer them to Government and Non Government Organizations for assistance.
Rodelia continues to serve the migrant domestic worker community by organizing training sessions to those caring for persons with disabilities, initiating mental health projects, promoting financial education and referring relevant individuals to legal assistance.
Lenlen是聯合國婦女署的菲律賓項目經理。We Empower Asia 希望通過促進包容性別的商業和公司來實現女力經濟賦權。作為Enrich的前執行董事,Lenlen堅信投資於教育和發展合作夥伴關係以實現和維持具有更廣泛,更深遠影響的目標。
2004年Sophie移居香港時,許多外籍家庭傭工的苦難使她感動不已;他們會背負著沉重的債務來到這個城市,而儘管他們的薪水的數量,仍努力維持生計。Sophie開始為菲律賓人和印尼人開設一些金融教育課程。她成立了a + b = 3,專門提供金融知識的社會事業。
在2007年,Sophie和Myriam共同致力於如何接觸更多的外籍家庭傭工。他們決定建立一個具有慈善地位的新結構,以讓移徙婦女更加能夠控制自己的財務。這就是Enrich的出生。2007年底,Sophie一家移居美國,而Sophie從Enrich董事會辭職。從2012年至2014年,Enrich的關鍵成長階段,Sophie再次受邀加入Enrich擔任財務總監。Sophie目前通過a + b = 3作為合夥人繼續和Enrich聯繫。
Aruni擁有國際經濟學碩士學位和強迫遷移碩士學位。與香港的國際信用評級機構合作讓Aruni意識到外籍家庭傭工的困境。Aruni承諾自己會回來提供幫助,而於1998年移居尼泊爾幫助培訓外籍家庭傭工如何與媒體合作,讓她們改善談判技巧和能在自己社區倡導變革。在2005年,Aruni加入倫敦的Christian Aid,擔任印度尼西亞,斯里蘭卡和印度海嘯計劃的宣傳官,並與災後唯一的養家糊口者的移民婦女合作。她丈夫的工作於2007年將全家搬來香港。因此,整整十年之後,Aruni終於能夠幫助香港的外籍家庭傭工。