外籍家庭傭工相關資源 外籍家庭傭工相關資源





Migrant Domestic Workers' Financial Survey 2021

16 June 2021

On International Domestic Workers Day 2021, Enrich HK and ethical recruitment platform HelperChoice collaborated to shed light on the financial challenges of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong, particularly since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. We surveyed 814 migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong; among other significant findings, we learned that 69% have been financially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

1. 關愛的價值:外籍家庭傭工對亞洲經濟增長和家庭幸福的重要貢獻

2019 3


2. 金融理財知識:成效如何?


香港中文大學社會工作學系替我們為外籍家庭傭工所提供的理財和賦權教育課程進行為期一年的影響研究。這是外部首次對我們工作進行成效評估,也是首份以香港外籍家庭傭工為中心的理財能力報告。 該研究由投資者及理財教育委員會資助,並發表於《國際社會福利雜誌》上。

3. Coming Clean: 探討香港外藉家庭傭工中以強迫勞動為目的而被人口販運的普遍性

2016 3

Justice Centre Hong Kong報告提供了為期一年的研究項目結果,目的在於估計在香港外藉家庭傭工中以強迫勞動為目的的強迫勞動和人口販運的規模。 這是同類研究中的第一篇,旨在提供有關這方面問題嚴重程度的證據

4. 存在於東亞的強迫勞動制

2016 2

Seefar 的研究著重於收集定量數據,以顯示與強迫勞動相關的指標在家庭傭工中的普遍性。調查結果建基於4000名分別在四個國家(香港,印度尼西亞,菲律賓和新加坡)的受訪者問卷。

Enrich HK & HelperChoice 2023 Survey: Insights into the Financial Health and Well-being of Migrant Domestic Worker Community in Hong Kong

December 2023

In November 2023, Enrich and HelperChoice jointly conducted a survey to gather update on the working condition and financial well-being of migrant domestic workers (MDWs) in Hong Kong. A research team led by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong provided expert consultation on survey development and conducted analysis of the data collected among migrant domestic workers from the Philippines and Indonesia. 

Enrich HK 2024 Survey: Insights into the Financial Health and Well-being of Migrant Domestic Worker Community in Hong Kong

December 2024

Enrich HK conducted a survey from October to November 2024, to monitor the overall financial well-being of migrant domestic workers (MDWs) in Hong Kong. The research team from the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong assisted in developing the survey and analysing data from MDWs, mostly from the Philippines and Indonesia.

This report highlights the key findings from the 2024 survey, comparing these with data with 2023. The findings are organised into five key sections:

A. About the Respondents

B. Money Management: Savings and Debt Repayment

C. Financial Inclusion and Retirement: MDWs with Bank and Digital Accounts, Methods of Remittances, and Retirement Readiness from working overseas

D. Financial Literacy: MDWs Financial Literacy, Training, Knowledge, and Skills

E. Work and Living Conditions: MDWs' Mental Health and Well-Being



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