I am so worried about my finances and I can’t focus on my work. How can I tell my employer and family?
Firstly, you do not have to manage this alone and help is available. If you are so worried about your finances that it is affecting your work and your relationships with your family/employer, then it is time to seek help. Remember that it is best to seek help from experts and not from your peers or unverified internet sources. Contact Enrich to arrange a free confidential financial counselling session to help work out your finances and come up with a way forward. We remain completely neutral, we do not judge, and we do not promote/endorse any financial products or companies.
If you are worried about telling your family of your financial difficulties, start by approaching a family member who you trust the most and who can be your advocate/supporter at home. Schedule a phone call with your family, prepare for what you will say and explain your situation clearly. At the end of the day, money is not everything and you need to come together to work as a team - this might mean that they have to be more understanding of your situation, as well as disciplined and frugal with their finances in order to support you.
If you feel comfortable, and if your employer is open to it, you could have an open conversation with your employer about your financial plans and difficulties, including your goals, debts or worries. Assure them that you are seeking a solution so that you can continue to focus on your work and not be distracted by stress. This might help clear any misunderstandings with your employers and also help them feel more comfortable in communicating with you about this issue.
If your feeling of stress or anxiety persists, or if you are having suicidal thoughts, help is available. Call +852 2896 0000 (24 hour hotline) for The Samaritans Suicide Crisis Intervention Centre, available in multiple languages.