Enrich joins 'Migrants Guide 2021'
Collaboration is one of our core values and it’s at the heart of what we do. During this pandemic, we’ve been collaborating with many different organisations and communities in order to meet the growing needs of the domestic worker community, and especially to reach more domestic workers online.
We were pleased to partner with Spirit of Hong Kong Awardee, Rodelia Pedro Villar for ‘Migrants Guide 2021’. Rodelia is the founder of popular Facebook community, ‘Domestic Workers Corner’. As a community leader, she felt passionate about ensuring that her fellow domestic workers can access reliable, updated information during this pandemic.
‘Migrants Guide 2021’ brings together charities HELP for Domestic Workers, Mission for Migrant Workers, Uplifters, Pathfinders and Enrich for a series of online webinars on a range of topics. We’re thrilled to be partnering with Rodelia and our nonprofit community, and look forward to working together to strengthen the support for Hong Kong’s domestic workers.
- Read the South China Morning Post coverage of this wonderful initiative.
- Watch the launch of ‘Migrants Guide 2021’
- Watch our session ‘What to know about loans in Hong Kong’, with Enrich trainer Sheetal Sarup and Enrich ambassador Elena Verzosa