My helper is interested in a really attractive investment opportunity. How do we know this is legitimate and not a scam?
It’s great that you’re helper is thinking about how to diversify her income. However, it is definitely advisable to be wary as there are many schemes which target migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong, many of which are scams. Some domestic helpers might even take out loans or borrow from friends in order to invest in a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, often with unfortunate consequences. With education on what to look out for, these situations are entirely preventable.
As an employer you can encourage your helper to be aware of investment scams. The most important thing is to encourage her to research and ask detailed questions before deciding on an investment. Suggest that she check whether the company is registered in Hong Kong with the Companies Registry. She can also call the Hong Kong Police’s Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) at 18222 if she suspects a scam. For the Philippines, she can check the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which also provides advisories on suspected scams.
Check out our detailed advice to domestic workers on how to avoid scams when investing.