What can I do if I am being harassed or abused at work?
For immediate help call:
999 - Hong Kong Police to report physical abuse.
18281 - 24-hour hotline of the CEASE Crisis Centre for assistance on sexual assault, sexual violence, domestic violence etc.
2375 5322 - Hotline for Rainlily, a charity providing support to victims of sexual violence.
If you experience any sexual violence, harassment or discrimination, you need to say NO firmly, write down what happened, talk to someone about it and get help. You are not alone in this. Sexual harassment, sexual discrimination and abuse are NOT your fault and they are illegal offences in Hong Kong.
The ‘Understanding Your Rights’ manual by charity HELP for Domestic Workers provides detailed information on your rights and what you can do if they are not being respected. You can seek legal advice from charities HELP for Domestic Workers or Mission for Migrant Workers, or visit a district office of the Duty Lawyer Service for free legal support.
Attend our Speak Up workshop to help you gain the confidence to speak up against harassment and abuse.