Resources for Employers Resources for Employers Loan Issues Frequently Asked My helper doesn’t have her passport because the loan company/employment agency is keeping it. What can she do? How does money lending work for domestic helpers in Hong Kong? Is there a minimum or maximum amount that domestic workers are allowed to borrow? What can happen to the helper (or employer) if a debt is not repaid? What can I do to prevent my helper from getting into debt? Does my helper need to use any of my personal information, documents or signature to get a loan? Is there a way for me to find out how many loans my helper has? What can I do if my helper is in debt? I am being harassed by loan sharks for a debt my helper took out, what can I do? Should I lend my helper money or help pay off her loan? How can I stop receiving loan company letters addressed to our former helper? My helper needs to borrow money from a money lender - how can she borrow safely? Why do domestic workers accept loans with such high interest rates? Useful Resources Resource & Materials (ENG) 10 Tips to Protect Your Helper and Yourself (CHI) 10個小貼士保障你和你的外藉家傭免於潛在的財務風險 Other Topics Overview of Helpers' Financial Challenges Your Helper's Finances Your Helper's Rights