Eka Priyatna Ningsih

Eka Priyatna Ningsih
When I initially joined the Financial Mentoring Programme, my primary goal was to pay off my debts and send the remaining portion of my salary to my family back home for the upcoming year.
However, throughout the three-month mentorship, my goals have expanded and become more comprehensive. I now strive to change my spending habits, saving more each month, creating a detailed monthly budget, and establishing an emergency fund.
"After participating in this 3-month mentoring programme, I feel more positive and mature in my approach to long-term budgeting, especially considering my future beyond my time in Hong Kong."
During this period, I have learned to adopt a long-term perspective. To achieve my objectives, I must maintain a stable monthly budget and increase my savings.
I allocate funds each month for an emergency fund and have minimised unnecessary expenses. Additionally, I have started saving for my children's school fees and business capital. I diligently set aside savings for their tuition fees every semester and will continue doing so for the next two years.
Once my debts are fully paid off, I will have a substantial amount of savings and an emergency fund. At that point, I plan to consult with my mentor about potential investments in mutual funds, stocks, or bonds. I will consider these investment options when I have accumulated enough savings.