What makes me stressed? Being scammed can be extremely stressful! Watch here to spot the scams! Resource & Materials (ENG) Mental Health Habit Builder (INA) Membangun Perilaku Kesehatan Mental (ENG) What does financially healthy look like? (INA) Bagaimana agar tetap sehat secara finansial? (ENG) Dear Maria, kumusta? (INA) Dear Siti, apa kabar? (ENG) How are you feeling today? (INA) Bagaimana perasaanmu hari ini? (ENG) Are you ready to invest? (INA) Apakah Anda siap untuk berinvestasi? (ENG) Spot the scams! (INA) Kenali Penipuan! (ENG) How could Maria Prepare for an Emergency Expense? (INA) Bagaimana Siti mempersiapkan dana darurat? (ENG) What if Maria signs as a guarantor? (INA) Jika Siti Menjadi Penjamin atau Saksi? Useful Links Enrich Financial and Empowerment Education Workshops Learn to save and invest for your future!