
What do I do if a remittance company loses my money?

Whenever you send money home, make sure to keep a record of all receipts/tracking numbers. If you have remitted money to your family which has not been received after a reasonable amount of time, stay calm and do not panic. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Contact the remittance company to find out what the issue might be. 

  • File a complaint with the remittance company to claim back your money, including your cable charge. 

  • If the remittance company refuses to return your money, you can file a formal complaint to the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) which manages all money service operators (like remittance/money transfer companies). Call their 24-hour hotline +852 2543 4942 or email [email protected].

  • You may wish to file a claim through the Small Claims Tribunal (for amounts of HK$75,000 or less). Seek legal advice from charities HELP for Domestic Workers or Mission for Migrant Workers, or visit a district office of the Duty Lawyer Service for free legal support.

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