Enrich Gives: Masks and Hand Sanitiser Distribution
Over the last few weeks, Hong Kong has slowly been easing back to life, with many of us starting to go into work and schools hopefully opening up soon. However, since February 2020, the global pandemic has posed financial risks and mental health concerns to our domestic workers, the effects of which will not fade immediately. Read on to find out about our 'Enrich Gives' initiative which aims to provide further support to our community.

We recently wrote about the challenges that our workers are facing, and also about how we've been adapting to their needs. But we know that some needs are more immediate: we've especially been concerned that many domestic workers were spending a large portion of their salaries on hygiene and protective products. One participant recently told us that she had to spend HK$250 on a box of masks, which was the equivalent of her family's expenses in Indonesia for a whole week.
Through our new initiative 'Enrich Gives', we wanted to help and also say thank you to our domestic worker community for everything they do to care for us and our families.
On Mother's Day weekend, our staff and ambassadors distributed masks and hand sanitiser to the Filipino domestic worker communities in Central. Many of the workers we spoke to told us of their experiences and concerns at this time, glad to have someone to share their stories with. We also plan to distribute supplies to the Indonesian domestic worker community in Victoria Park on May 31.
The general nonprofit community in Hong Kong has also faced severe challenges during this global pandemic, so we were pleased to be able to provide masks and hand sanitiser to our community partners to support their frontline work.
In total, our team will have distributed 800 masks and 47 bottles of hand sanitiser to the domestic worker and nonprofit communities so far. Earlier in the year, we also donated some beautiful soaps from LUSH to these community groups in order to ensure that as many domestic workers as possible have access to these resources.
None of this would have been possible without generous donations which we were able to pay forward: masks from HKCSS, hand sanitiser from a private donor (thanks to coordination from the University Advancement Office at Hong Kong Baptist University) and soaps from LUSH Hong Kong. Thank you for your support!
We're also grateful to our phenomenal Enrich ambassadors, our passionate graduates who give up precious time on their day off to spread the word about Enrich!
We will continue to give back to our domestic worker and nonprofit communities, but we need your help too. Please make a donation, or even become a monthly donor, to provide vital support to our domestic worker community.